Our best live scoring and leader board Cloud interfaces for in-car GPS systems and Phone Scoring Apps offers you a unique golf tournament experience. Below are the steps for this procedure:
Viper supports in-car GPS systems to show you the live score. To see the live scores, press the ‘Cloud’ icon, and select the ‘GPS’ item from the list.
Once you click, a new window will open up showing the list of all of the players and the current carts that they are assigned to. Simply click on the card number to change any group to the correct cart. You can send the player information to the cart, one at a time for a timed start as a show, of to all of the carts with one button click.
Similarly, to access the Cloud Interfaces leader board and live scores for Phone Application, press the ‘Cloud’ icon, and then select the ‘Phone Application’ item from the list.
By clicking on the Send Email checkbox an invitation will be sent to each player’s email account. Once the email has been sent, the background color of the checkbox will change to orange. Indicating that the email has been sent, once the invitation is accepted by the player, the background color will change to green.